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Cyclopentane encyclopedia
Source: | Author:Tom | Published time: 2021-07-16 | 59 Views | Share:
Cyclopentane as a new foaming agent of rigid polyurethane foam, used to replace the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS) which can destroy the atmospheric ozone layer, has been widely used in the production of fluorinated refrigerators, freezers, cold storage, pipeline insulation and other fields. With the expiration of ODS banned by Montreal and other conventions approaching, CFCs and HCFCs products will be banned soon, cyclopentane will become the leading role in the field of polyurethane foaming agent.

Product: cyclopentane  

Molecular structure: C atoms form sigma bonds with SP3 hybridized orbitals.  

CAS No. : 287-92-3  

Molecular formula: C5H10  

Molecular weight: 70.08  

Physical and chemical properties  

Main ingredients: pure  

Appearance and properties: colorless transparent liquid, with benzene - like odor.  

Melting point (℃) : -93.7  

Boiling point (℃) : 49.3  

Relative density (water =1) : 0.75  

Relative vapor density (air =1) : 2.42  

Saturated vapor pressure (kPa) : 53.32(31℃)  

Heat of combustion (kJ/mol) : 3287.8  

Critical temperature (℃) : 238.6  

Critical pressure (MPa) : 4.52  

Logarithm of octanol/water partitioning coefficient: 7(calculated)  

Flash point (℃) : -25  

Ignition temperature (℃) : 361  

Explosion upper limit %(V/V) : 8.0  

Lower limit of explosion %(V/V) : 1.4  

Solubility: insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, benzene, carbon tetracloride, acetone and other organic solvents.  

Main uses: Cyclopentane as a new foaming agent of rigid polyurethane foam, used to replace the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS) which can destroy the atmospheric ozone layer, has been widely used in the production of fluorinated refrigerators, freezers, cold storage, pipeline insulation and other fields.  With the expiration of ODS banned by Montreal and other conventions approaching, CFCs and HCFCs products will be banned soon, cyclopentane will become the leading role in the field of polyurethane foaming agent.  


Safety precautions:  

Cyclopentane is flammable and explosive.  Keep away from heat source, fire source, oxidant and other chemical reaction agent.  Store in a cool, dry and well ventilated place.  During transportation, it is necessary to load and unload lightly to prevent the vibration of the packing container.  When the pipeline is transported, static electricity should be grounded.  Do not swallow during operation and avoid inhaling steam.  Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.  

Please refer to the safety precautions for cyclopentane except that the evaporation temperature of n-pentane and isopentane should be lower than that of cyclopentane.  

Health hazards: inhalation may cause headache, dizziness, disorientation, excitement, sleepiness, ataxia and anesthesia.  The respiratory system and heart can be affected.  Mild irritation to the eyes.  Oral administration caused central nervous system inhibition, mucosal bleeding and diarrhea.  This product has degreasing effect on the skin, causing dry skin, redness and so on.  

Flammability danger: This product is extremely flammable.  

Dangerous characteristics: extremely flammable, its vapor and air can form explosive mixture, when open fire, high heat combustion and explosion.  Contact with an oxidizer may cause a strong reaction and even combustion.  In a fire there is a risk of explosion in the heated containers.  Its vapor is heavier than air, can diffuse to a considerable distance at a lower level, and will catch fire and burn back when it meets a fire source.